Fixing The Internet, At Your Service

An acquaintance of mine IM'd me to warn me that she was pretty sure she'd broken the Internet.

I asked her why she would think such a thing.

Her web browser told her so.

I thanked her for letting me know... *** insert barely-suppressed giggle ***

Then she asked if I could fix it.

'The Internet?'

"yes! I broke it!!"


'I don't think you can actually break th-'

"one sec.. I'll quit the Internet so you can work on it."


'ok... just let me know...'

"ok. I quit it"

'all right. shut off your browser and count to five.'


***/me drums fingers on desk in a repeated five stroke roll ***

"ok it's off. Now what?"

'turn it back on'


***music on hold (see previous posts of mine)***

"ok, it's coming back on...

*** /me disconnecting to avoid having to figure out what to say in response ***

Apparently, some things are better left in the hands of experts and the Powers That Be who bestow the unsuspecting and non-technical with web browsers and operating systems that Are Not Mac.

Bless her heart.

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