Happy Birthday To YouHooHooHoo

I'm one year grumpier than last time we chatted.

When I woke up today and checked my email, I had 67 one-line cheerful bouncy Happy Birthday messages from forums where I don't even recall signing up (and four I'm pretty sure I don't belong to). Oh, and eighteen more heart-felt pleas for me to assist moving millions of dollars out of Nigeria from Dear Best Friends.

All I can say is thank goodness for email. If I'd received all this garbage in print form, I would have to contract for a new Dumpster and instead of grumping about spam, I would be bemoaning the loss of three good-sized trees.

1 comment:

Achim "Chef Keem" Thiemermann said...

It's great to see you're back. Happy belated Nigerian birthday greetings!

My latest gripe is about repeatedly experienced drive-through bank teller antics.

I fill out the deposit slip and send it through the tube, together with the correct checks and cash amount. The teller receives it and asks through the speaker: "Is this a deposit?"

I want to answer: "No - it's the new instant withdrawal procedure. Just send it right back to me."

But I don't.